Spirit of Jonmashthomee
Ashim Kumar Paul
According to Hindu mythology, the Holy Spirit Sri Krishna descended on earth with a view to eliminating the tyranny of the then usurper king who was brutal to his own subjects, and establishes virtue and honesty. He, Lord Sri Krishna, took His birth on the lap of Debokee, the sister of the usurper king Kongsho. However, the holy prophecy that he would be slain by the eighth son of his sister enraged him and thus he imprisoned Debokee and her husband Bosudev and mercilessly killed their children in a series. But it is God's will that no one can evade. Hence, the eighth son, Lord Sri Krishna was born on a dark and stormy night. With the heavenly aid, the just born child had been saved from the cruelty of the vicious king. Ultimately, the fierce king Kongsho was killed by Sri Krishna and peace and happiness again returned in the country.
Like all other regions of the world, the people of Bangladesh celebrate the day by organising various religious as well as cultural activities. Colourful processions come out from different temples, many educational institutions and their residential halls where people from all classes take part. In the procession, ornamental and colourful costumes and masks dazzle the eyes of the spectacles. Following the procession, authorities distribute prasad (foods dedicated for the god) among the followers and remember the glory and grace of Lord Sri Krishna. Many devotees fast the whole day with a view to present their ardent love for the Holy Spirit.
However, the day in which Lord Sri Krishna descended on earth has a greater significance in the lives of the devoted followers of Hindu religion. It embodies the rebellious as well as virtuous spirit against all kinds of brutality, inhumanity and usurpation. The day also epitomises the universal truth that 'evil does not prevail in the long run'. Those who turn out to be the foes of humanity and brotherhood must meet their fatal doom. It is God who always showers His mercy upon the dedicated worshippers. It is the established truth that evil and tyranny must be tried and virtue and humanity rewarded by the Almighty. And the most significant lesson for the young minds is to meet their duties to voice out against evil forces and ensure the need for piety in their lives.
(The writer is a final year student of Department of English, Govt. Edward College, Pabna)
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