Endless Waiting
Ashim Kumar
Your negligence incessantly sparks
The flames of passion within my soul
Your indifference inexorably breeds in
The uncontrollable hope to reach my goal.
Again and again, my soul chases after you
Each time, your reluctance takes colour new.
My warm tears help me hold my soul so hard
That captivates me in your thought, like the
imprisoned bird.
Fighting with myself, approaching to comfort my soul
“Your love is unattainable; you cannot be mine at all”.
But my heart finds its indomitable hope within the
That surrounds your heart, bars my voice aloud.
“Beneath the cloud, the beam stays to light
Her indifference, her reluctance to be removed, you
must fight.”
Ignites the glowing ray of hope within my soul
Again and again, teaches how to reach my goal:
“Keep your ceaseless waiting for the Fairy queen
Almighty must make the two loving souls twin.”