
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Don’t Forget To Travel

Don’t Forget To Travel
Ashim Kumar Paul

Travelling is one of the awe-inspiring experiences in life. The most significance of travelling is that it wipes away the ennui of life and work. Life, as thought by many, is a mad rush from one place to another, from one action to another, trying to gather as much as possible. 

In this regard, people want to forget who they are and what they are. There is no time to muse and marvel. They tend to overlook the worth of life. Travelling is a time when people relax, reflect and cogitate. Most people, after a pleasant tour, come back home with a fresh outlook, new zeal and a better resolution. 

Travelling has also a great instructive worth. It widens the arena of our knowledge of geography, diverse customs and culture and of course, people etc. On account of frequent travelling, we can come to know about the geographical features of a certain area or country, such as the existence of numerous rivers, coconut groves, backwaters, spice gardens, rubber plantations, oceans, seas, factories, cities, etc. 

We can also learn many things about the ethnic culture which embodies the people’s style of living there. It can be known about their mode of living, social life, agriculture, worship, beliefs, art forms, etc. In fact a visit can enlighten and make us more appreciative of other cultures. 

In addition, our mental and physical afflictions can be healed by the beauty of the hills, the charm of the valleys, the chirping of birds, the song of the rivers, the howling of animals, pleasant air, quiet places, etc. In other words, travelling and visiting places hold another essential value that of understanding other’s traditions and cultures. 

Visiting various parts of a country, we can realise that a country represents a collection of cultures, races and creed and that miscellany is the key feature of the land. In this context, travelling can facilitate national integration and unity to a great extent. 

A significant bonus of travelling is that you are given the unique chance to reach out to people, not just in your own group, but to the residents of that particular country. With people of your age group as well as others, you can widen startling associations. And making connections is a tried-and-true formula for progress and for turning your life interesting, with your horizons ever increasing! Of course, travelling can let you know about scores of things in your environment, like the attitudes of people, quality of food, cultural behaviour, divergence in fashion and much, much more. Besides, travelling can help you unravel many false beliefs. Many go something like this: Americans are this, Spaniards are that, Italians are so…, Africans always…, French people are the most… etc…
Therefore, travelling has fabulous educative, informative and social values. It extends people’s mental horizon, improves health, adds ecstasy, thrill and relaxation to life, drives out boredom and helps promote national integration. Therefore, educational tour should be integrated to our modern education. In addition, travelling boosts up the national economy and the progress of tourism industry. In fact, the significance of travelling deserves a critical consideration.